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DIY BurlesKoala

Cherry Charleston – Competitor DIY BurlesKoala 2020

By November 26, 2022No Comments
Cherry Charleston in her DIY BurlesKoala costume

We’re looking back at past competitors and see how they took on the budget burlesque competition.

Cherry Charleston, VIC

Cherry Charleston is a Melbourne based burlesque performer who competed in the 2020 DIY BurlesKoala competition. She describes her usual burlesque style as “cheesy, comedic and a little bit naughty.” I asked Cherry about her experiences competing in the 2020 DIY BurlesKoala Competition.

Why did you enter DIY BurlesKoala?

CC: I really wanted to make a costume out of some pieces I’d bought second hand, particularly my boiler suit, and I wanted to do a swing dance tribute so it was a good opportunity.

Where did the inspiration for your act come from?

CC: My boiler suit turned me into Rosie the Riveter and it all went from there.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your DIY act?

Two things: 1. I couldn’t afford a zip for my jumpsuit, and 2. I wanted to bling it more.

What was the biggest achievement or win you had in creating your DIY act?

I created the whole act in a week, which was a record, and it’s one of my stronger acts.

What was your favourite aspect of competing in DIY BurlesKoala?

Performing at Wonderground, and being able to do it after months of lockdown in Melbourne.

If you were to enter again, what would you do differently?

I’d do more craft, less costume compilation (based on judges feedback).

What advice would you give someone considering entering?

Let your imagination run wild

Have you performed your DIY act again, and if so, where/ when? If not, do you hope too?

Yes, at Bar Pigalle, Max Watts, Ballarat Heritage Festival and for Red Mill Revue.

Have you since upgraded your DIY act? If so, what changes have you made? If not, are there changes and upgrades you plan to make?

I made the boiler suit and playsuit easier to remove and I’ll probably add more bling. I also got a boa made because I borrowed Poppy Cherry’s boa.

What is one DIY trick, skill or experience you learned/ had during the creation of your act that you are most proud of?

That I had three layers of costume, plus a sign for $88. Also my rule of thumb is that I borrow a mop or broom from a venue so I never know what I’m going to do.


It was a wonderful collegiate experience, one of the nicer competitions to enter, and I feel that I got a great act out of it.

DIY BurlesKoala 2022

The DIY BurlesKoala 2022 competition twill be held on Saturday 3 December 2022 at Metro Arts, Brisbane. Tickets available now.

Follow Cherry Charleston on Instagram and Facebook.

Watch Cherry Charleston’s DIY BurlesKoala act online

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